Tuesday, August 4, 2009


...and welcome! I am so pleased that you stopped by!

I have had a burning desire this morning to "lay it on the line" and make a first ever blog post. I've been thinking and planning my blog for months now and haven't quite been able to take the plunge. What has made it so intimidating for me? I'm not real sure, but lately, I've been coming back to a recent one-liner that I read, "When in doubt, take the next small step." So, here we go! I'll be back soon to introduce myself a little. Until then....

(okay....that wasn't so bad!)


  1. Very nice way to get the blogging started! Welcome to the community of BLOGGING! Guess who!

  2. congrats to the plunge. good for you. I took the plunge almost two months ago and it is very rewarding and a lot of fun.

    happy tuesday, Joanna
